The consulting team of Return on Ideas is strongly specialized in business challenges that have “customers and consumers” in the center of the equation.

We focus on helping companies to reach more customers more efficiently, retaining higher value.

We develop projects like:

  • Defining customer centric strategic positioning
  • Customer Segmentation & channels segmentation
  • Designing strategy and consumer experience components: products & services design, channels design and pricing strategies
  • ​Optimização de modelo de relação com clientes: programas de fidelização, modelos de CRM e estratégias de comunicação
  • Optimizing customer relationship models: loyalty programs, CRM models and communication strategies
  • Maximização da capacidade de captura valor da base de clientes: estratégia de cross-selling & up-selling, de fidelização e de redução de churn
  • Maximizing the ability to capture value in the customer base: cross-selling & up-selling, loyalty and reducing churn strategies
  • Organizational transformation: we create tools and methodologies that enable organizations to act with greater focus on customers