What we believe in
The Knowledge area of Return On Ideas was built around three key challenges
I. the challenge of asking the right questions
Our first major knowledge project – C-The Consumer Intelligence Lab – did and does the compliments of the laboratory method. This experiment confirmed our belief that knowledge will be much more useful when born to answer to very concrete questions/ hypotheses. Place them and achieve consensus twithin the companies and headquarters project is itself a big starting challenge.
II. the challenge of being insight
The deep understanding of the customer / consumer (= insight) requires a systematic and a multidisciplinary information analysis, an holistic, continued and watchful eye for a continuous changing reality.
ROI Knowledge was born at the junction of skills and watchful eyes, preferring the constant questioning of the reality that surrounds us.
III. the challenge of reaching decision makers
Knowledge has to service purposes – for growth, differentiation, innovation, loyalty – and will only be useful if it gets to decision makers in the prior moment of decision making.
To have the right models of presentation and knowledge dissemination is a priority from the first moment.